The Journey of Philosophical Brand Identity Design
Prachya started off in 2020 as a joint effort between two childhood friends, Natcharee Han and Peeyapat Suthipongchai. With Natcharee's background in Philosophical illustration, and Peeyapat's background in socio-economic philosophy, both founders team up to bring together products that would inspire deep thinking in everyday life, hence the name 'Prachya' Thai for Philosophy (greek for love for knowledge).
This post, I want to share our first collection; scented candles.
Here are some photos from the real illustrated materials before we finalized them into the design.

Explore the Masonette Collection
The Masonette Collection features the binary concepts in everyday life. Each concept is represented by a pair of opposing interpretations. We choose binary to highlight the extremes and invite you to find your shade between them.
Ecstasy – Enstasis, is the binary pair of self-reflection.
It is reflecting from the outside in and from the inside out.
Extempore – Fidelity, is the binary pair of creativity.
It is emotionally driven and meticulously planned creativity.
Ecstasy is a call to all souls to venture outside their bodily selves to leave the comfort zone inhibiting inner desires. In a trance, all souls can be blessed with unfathomable freedom to reflect upon their inner aspirations and reinterpret the meaning of their surroundings. Experience a soothing, inspirited sensation, escape any limitation, be your true self.

Enstasis invites all souls to dive deep within themselves and to have a meaningful conversation with their mind and their alter ego. The journey hopes to allow one to see themselves beyond the surface, to cogitate their priorities and reconnect with their true purpose.

Extempore calls creative minds to follow their intuitions to leave the pre-existing frameworks and cross new boundaries. Like wildflowers, impromptu arts break rules as they blossom, follow emotions as if they were the sun. Like bluejays, extempore sings without agitation, unperturbed by uncertainties.
Paint with no hesitation, create sanguinely - follow your instinct
Paint with no hesitation, create sanguinely - follow your instinct

Fidelity speaks for the meticulousness in creativity, the all-encompassing depiction of the inwards and the outwards done beautifully and witfully. Meticulous arts allow viewers to grasp the concept in a visual breath, and endlessly sink into its bottomless depth. Like eagles, fidelity scan beyond the horizon, plan the route vigilantly for the art to be exquisite.

The Brand Official Website :
On-site Store :
O.D.S Siam Discovery (4th foor) Bangkok, Thailand